Fish of the Freshwater Aquarium
"A small scale, work in progress book that explores aquarium fish through vector art and text."
Project Overview: Fish of the Freshwater Aquarium was designed to provide an illustrative experience of different freshwater fish and their care requirements. This project primarily utilized Adobe Illustrator and Adobe InDesign to create the vector art illustrations and the book layout. There are currently six entries within the original edition that include the Male Betta, Neon Tetra, Platy, Kuhli Loach, Angelfish, and Clown Loach.
Design Process: The original plan for my project was to include fifteen entries, but due to time and the workload of four additional project classes, I had to cut down my number to six. By doing this, I was able to focus more detail into the illustration process as well as the text entries which resulted in a more fulfilling experience. Each illustration and its composition reflects the description of the fish as well as their temperament and type. This gives a unique look to each while also emphasizing the fishes' individual qualities. Setting up a habitat with aquatic foliage and other decorations or natural hardscape materials is essential for providing a comfortable home for aquarium fish, so I planned on including such visuals within the background of the artwork. To simulate this naturalistic setting, I created plant brushes to help me easily illustrate aquatic foliage for the backgrounds. These were created with a more simplistic design in mind in order to keep the fish as the focal point of the illustrations. In order to establish uniformity between the pieces, I decided to incorporate a water color brush effect to add to the underwater theme. All six completed illustrations can be found below:
Result: To culminate my progress for the semester, I created a small mock-up book layout for my illustrations and their text entries. The book currently measures at 8x8 inches in size with the text entries lying on the left handed page and the illustrations on the right. Each accompanying page of text helps to give more depth to the nature of each fish and things to be observant of when keeping and caring for them. I am interested in pursuing my project further in the future as I have more fish to account for and to illustrate in order to make this as detailed as possible! I am happy to share the beginnings of Fish of the Freshwater Aquarium as my capstone project and hope that it will provide a new light on the fishkeeping experience and hobby.
Thank you to these awesome individuals and sources that extended my personal knowledge and experience in the hobby overtime:
Prime Time Aquatics
The Small Scape
Aquarium Co-op
KG Tropicals
Thank you to my dad and family for introducing me to fish keeping!
And special thanks to Professor David Marks, others at ATEC, and Diana Souza for making this project possible!